Musical competition is spent on all specialities for musicians, singers and dancers for the purpose of development of the international dialogue, revealing of exceptional children and perspective young executors, access to pedagogical traditions and modern techniques of the different countries and regions, possibility of creative self-expression and professional perfection.
Competition is spent on following nominations and age groups:
1. «A piano – solo execution»:
Category «A» With 6 till 10 years 10 - 15 min.
Category «B» With 11 till 14 years 15 - 20 min.
Category «C» With 15 till 19 years 20 - 25 min.
Category «D» With 20 till 25 years 25 - 30 min.
Category «E» With 26 till 40 years 30 - 40 min.
2. «String tools» - a violin, an alto, a violoncello, a contrabass:
Category «A» With 6 till 10 years 10 - 15 min.
Category «B» With 11 till 14 years 15 - 20 min.
Category «C» With 15 till 19 years 20 - 25 min.
Category «D» With 20 till 25 years 25 - 30 min.
Category «E» With 26 till 40 years 30 - 40 min.
3."Wind instruments" - copper and wooden:
Category «A» With 6 till 10 years 10 - 15 min.
Category «B» With 11 till 14 years 15 - 20 min.
Category «C» With 15 till 19 years 20 - 25 min.
Category «D» With 20 till 25 years 25 - 30 min.
Category «E» With 26 till 40 years 30 - 40 min.
Participants 1, 2, 3 sections execute in the program of competitive performance one classical product (necessarily!), other program — free, most opening individuality of the executor.
4. «Chamber music»
a. Chamber ensembles (string, wind, piano) – from sonata steams to a sextet inclusive
b. Tool ensembles (string, wind, shock, mixed, from national tools of the academic direction) – to 8 participants
Category «A» till 16 years 10 - 15 min.
Category «B» till 20 years 15 - 20 min.
Category «C» till 25 years 20 - 25 min.
Category «D» till 40 years 25 - 30 min.
Participants of a nomination «Chamber ensemble» execute products of any genres and styles, author's transpositions are resolved.
5. «A vocal – the academic singing»:
Category «A» till 16 years 12 – 15 min.
Category «B» till 20 years 15 - 18 min.
Category «C» till 25 years 18 - 20 min.
Category «D» Without age restriction 20 - 25 min.
Vocalists should include in the program one aria of any composer, other program free.
6. Ensembles classical singing – chamber and opera ensembles (to a quartet inclusive)
Category «A» till 17 years till 10 min.
Category «B» till 26 years till 20 min.
Category «C» Without age restriction till 30 min.
7. Choruses (homogeneous and mixed)
The youth till 26 years till 15 min.
Without age restriction till 25 min.
8. Orchestras – chamber, small symphonic, wind, from national tools of the academic direction, other homogeneous or mixed formations
The youth till 26 years till 15 min.
Without age restriction till 25 min.
9. Accompaniment – without age restrictions.
10. «Variety singing».
Without age restriction, time of sounding of the program – 15 minutes.
Participants act under a minus soundtrack (CD). In the given nomination soloists and variety ensembles can act.
11. "Folklore".
Category "A" - till 18 years, time of the program of 15 minutes
Category "B" - without restriction of age of 20-25 minutes
Participants of the given nomination act both in vocal, and in a tool genre. Probably solo execution and ensemble of any structure, including a vocal with the national tool. Execution under a minus soundtrack (CD) is authorised. In the program it is desirable to use original folklore products.
Competition is spent in one round (except specified below exceptions) in the form of the big mixed concerts. Excess of specified time of execution is not supposed. At infringement – the jury removes a point from the general estimation of the participant.
In nominations "a vocal - classical singing" and "ensemble classical singing" only for II group competition is spent in two rounds of identical duration; the first round – selection. Representation in different genres and styles (a song, a romance, kantsonett, an aria or a scene, etc. and, accordingly, chamber ensemble, opera ensemble or a scene, a part/part of a cantata, an oratorio, a mass, a requiem, passions, etc.) is desirable. Repetition of product from I th round is not supposed
In nominations "the Piano – solo execution", "String tools", "Wind instruments" only for pianists, violinists, viola players and violoncellists, contrabass players, copper and wooden wind instruments for categories "D" and "Å" competition passes in two rounds of identical duration.
I round - selection:
Polyphonic product – from baroque to the present
Masterly etude/kapris/toccata
Sonata (a part, parts) or a concert (a part, parts) – from classics to the present
II round: the play of the large form
One or several products for choice the participant, being guided by the general regulations. Repetition of product from I round is not supposed.
Participant can register in one and more nomination. An entrance fee – 50 euros for each participant. An entrance fee to 4 and 8 sections — 100 euros are not dependent on quantity of participants of ensemble.
The jury consists of known teachers – musicians from the different countries, the jury decision definitive and to the appeal is not subject.
Winners of I degree become participant, received an estimation not less than 95/100.
Winners of II degree become participant , received an estimation not less than 90/100.
Winners of III degree become participant, received an estimation not less than 85/100.
Received an estimation not less than 80/100, become students of competition.
The higher award of competition «Gran - At».
The application form for participation we ask to send to the address:
«The centre of national cultures»
Olga Müller
Pähklimäe 4-103
20608 Narva
+372 58142132
+372 55543028
It is necessary to send demands till 06.11.2012ã.
INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL COMPETITION «Narva lights stars» 06- 09.12.2012
NB! The last date of the sending of the application is 06.11.2012
Personal information of the participant
Name and position…………………………………………………………………..
Date of birth………………………………………………………………………….
Home address
Postal code………………………………………………………………......Phone……………………………………e-mail………………………………
Institution, address……………………………………………………………………................Phone……………………………………e-mail………………………………
In which contests took part earlier?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Teacher^s name………………………………………………………………………….
Program of appearance:>........
name of composition key op. number duration
name of composition key op. number duration
ExpensesParticipant can register in one and more nomination. An entrance fee – 50 euros for each participant. An entrance fee to 4 and 8 sections — 100 euros are not dependent on quantity of participants of ensemble.. Dinners will be provided for each competitor and one of his/her accompanying person.NB! All travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the competitors and their accompanying persons.
Single room
The name arrival date depature date
Double room
The name arrival date depature date
............................................................................................. ....
The name arrival date depature date
Please add to the registration form: copy of birth-certificate; copy of the1st page of the passport; . The registration form please send to e-mail: or PAHKLIMAE 4-103, NARVA 20608, ESTONIA
The center of national cultures
The international J.S.Bach competition
The international competition-festival "Narva spring"
The international conference " Music and religion in education of youth"